Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

Old of Banten Heritage

Old of Banten Heriage

A Cannon in Banten

The old pepperharbour of Jawa

The coastal city of Banten, eigthy kilometres west of Jakarta at the northen coast of Jawa, was the biggest centre of transport of spices in the 16th and 17th century. At its peek, it was almost as important as Amsterdam. The nowadays Banten is only a small fishing village, which can't be found on most maps. There are still old buildings left and found over the years which are worth while a visit.

Banten, the old pepperharbour of Jawa

Ever since the year 1300 a harbour was located on the spot that we now know as Banten, in those ages it belonged to the kingdom of Sunda. The capital Pajajaran was located deep in the inlands, near the nowadays Bogor. When the Portuguese arrived in the 16th century, Sunda still was Bhuddhist. The Portuguese made a deal with the ruler of Pajajaran, against the advancing Islamic armies and got permission to built a fortress in Sunda Kelapa. To honour the agreement a stone pillar with Portugues inscription was erected, it was discovered in 1918, and can now be found in the Fatahillah museum in Jakarta.

The Portuguese effort was not enough, an Islamic army from Demak entered Sunda in 1525, and took possesion of the harbours. However the Sunda capital fell only in 1578, Banten ( in Portuguese Bantam ) became the capital of a new Islamic kingdom, in which it grew rapidly into the most distinguished spice harbours of Jawa.

The place of Banten against the strategic Sunda Strait was an important factor for the development of the city. After Malakka became Portuguese in 1511, the Islamic traders avoided Malacca Strait, , and took the Sunda Strait to Jawa instead. On Jawa, they traded with Chinese traders in porcelain and cloth, and with Indonesians with spices like pepper, nutmeg and clove. At the end of the 16th century Banten was the biggest city in Southeastern Asia, and one of the most famour harbours in the world. The city was the first stop of English and Dutch fleets which arrived in the Far East in that time. The Dutch though Banten had about the same population as Amsterdam.

Fortified City

The city was surrounded by an heavy defence wall. All foreigners lived outside the wall in special quarters: the Muslems in the East, the non-Muslems in the West. The city was also surrounded by rivers, while a third stream crossed the city through the centre, and formed the most important way of traffic.

A big open field was located in the centre of the city, the alun-alun, the most important activities like meetings of the royal council, public convictions and other public meetings were held. The king spoke to the people at a roofed platform at the south of the alun-alun, in front of the royal palace. At the North the royal boats were stored in a special shed, which was located at the bank of a channel.

The English and Dutch were authorised to built trading offices and to open warehouses. The monopolistical Dutch got into an agrument fairly quick and decided to move to Jayakarta soon after.

For thirty years the Dutch blocked the harbour of Banten, with devastating results for trade. The city revived during the reign of sultan Agung, from 1651 to 1582. Agung used the Engish and other foreign people to man his trading fleet, and to built irrigation canals, for improving the production of rice. In 1682 Agung and his son Haji got into an argument over how to act with the Dutch. Haji offered concessions agaings military support. After fierce fights Agung was emprisoned and the Dutch became rulers over Banten and his Sumatran areas. Under the Dutch Banten stayed capital and the centre of trade until 1810. In 1815 the last sultan stepped down by himself. The fall of Banten was as quick as it flourished in the early times, and after a while it was nothing more but a few villages with fishermen and farmers

Arctifacts from Banten

Arriving from Serang, the visitor first arrived at the Kaibon Palace. The partly restaurated complex was used by the mother of one of the sultans of Banten. It used to be connected with the coast with canals, which are dried up mostly right now. The centre of the village the old alun-alun is located, ( now called Banten Lama, Old Banten ) At the west the Mesjid Agung, or 'Big Mosque' with a roof which consists of five layers van be found. The high, eight-cornered minaret dates back to the 16th century. The entrance shows motives which are lent from the pre-Islamic architecture. Inside a spiral staircase brings you to two balcons, which give you a nice view over the terrain. In the mosque and on the mosque's place old royal graves are located. The guard appreciates a small gift very well.

The building that looks like an old Dutch house from the south, was built in 1670 by the renegade constructor of JHan Lucaszoon Cardeel, which made friends with sultan Haji. The building was named Tiyamah, and was used for religious meetings. At the Southeastern cornef of the square a big bronze cannon named Ki Amuk can still be found. On the cannon Islamic inscriptions can be found, and around the mouth, a sun is drawn, which reminds of the pre-Islamic kingdom of Majapahid.

At the east of the square two thrones can be found. Of one of them people say it was taken from Pajajaran in 1578, when the kingdom was conquerred; the other is connected with the rulers of Banten. Direct easterly of the square a museum with historial objects is located, under them arctifacts which were found on the place of the former palace. The managing director Halwany Michrob, likes to tell about the history of this place. On the inner yard remains of an iron workshop can be seen, these were found during the construction of the museum.

The palace ( Surosowan ) is surrounded by an high stone wall, of which parts a have been excavated. The remains include fundaments anf pavilions. One of them stood above a small lake, and was called Rara Denok. The story goes that this was the royal treasury. A bathing room at the southern side was restaurated partially. The water was diverted to the baths artificially by an aquaduct which ran from a mounten located two km away. Tasik Ardi, a articifial reservoir for the mountain water, was built by sultan Agung, which had a house on an island in the reservoir. Besides the route of the aquaduct remains of stone buildings are found, which were probably used as cleaning tanks for the water.

At the formet rivermouth fortress Speelwijk is located. The coasal area is replaced several hundred metres since the fortress was built,; on the new lanmd fish ponds are build. The big Chinese temple at th other side of the river is being visited by many Indonesian people from Chinese origine, especially on the birthday of the very importan goddess Kuan Yin, the goddess of Mercy. Due south the restaurated minaret of a mosque which was used by Chinese Muslems.

In the Northeast, at the mouth of the Serang River, the small fishing village of Karanghantu is located. Here people can hire boats for a journey to close islands. One of these islands is Pulau Dua, a main spot for birds. During the breeding season over 50.000 birds are counted on this island. Pulau Dua is one kilometre East of Banten, and is reachable on foot at low tide.

3 komentar:

  1. Jakarta 15 Juni 2012

    Setahun saya KH. Nanang Hariadi atau Gus Har seorang Ulama dan sufi Muda yang menjadi pengasuh Ponpes Bambung Kuning sekaligus Penasehat Pondok Pesantren Al Fadloli di Klampis Bangklan Madura maupun di malang Jawa Timur . Jadi kalau toh dia adalah Guru spiritual beberapa pejabat di Negeri ini Syah-syah saja seperti contoh Pak Maman Suherman bin Uci Sanusi seorang Pejabat Direktur Kacang-kacangan dan ubi-ubian Depatermen pertanian yang pernah di bantu ketika masih ekselon III belum naik naik pangkat sampai 10 tahun , setelah memintah bantuan Gus Har di mana pertemuan yang di atur oleh Bang sela . dan hasilnya setelah dirituali oleh Gus Har terangkatlah derajatnya dan sukses jadi Ekselon II sekarang ini,” seperti hal sama “ ketika mengatakan pada kami sebelum Pilgub Sulsel kurang 100 hari , Bahwa syarul Yasin limpo yang bakal jadi Gubernur Nanti “ kata Gus Har hal itu memang terbukti dan Syahrul Yasin Limpo Jadi Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan samapi sekarang ini. Memang saya akui ungkapan Gus Har tersebut terbukti , namun saya perlu bertanya padasegenap Alim Ulama , Bagaimana jika ada sntri nya Gus Har yang membaca Mantra seperti dibawah ini GAJAH WAROK MACAN GALAK ONO-ONO ING LAMBENE GUS HAR TEKO WEDI TEKO KUMETER AKAL SENGIT MARENG NANAG HARIADI UTAWI GUS HAR , TEKO WELAS TEKO ASIH WONG SEKABEHANE MARENG NANANG HARIADI UTAWI GUS HAR AMIEN YA ROBBAL ALAMIN di baca 313 kali setiap hari maka akan di senangi dan di sayang oleh banyak orang ....? termasuk mantra dibawah ini :

    Apakah semua mantra diatas boleh saya baca setiap hari ataukah sebaiknya bagaiman....?

    HP 08517005949

  2. JAKARTA 15 JUNI 2012
    Salam Sejahtera .
    Kami atas nama Dewan Pengurus Cabang Kontak Budaya Komunikasi Indonesia Jakarta Timur (DPC KOBUKI JAKTIM) setelah membaca komentar dan pernyataan sikap segenap keluarga besar KOBUKI di DKI Jakarta . Maka sesuai dengan hasil diskusi dengan segenap Pengurus DPC KOBUKI JAKTIM. Yang menghasilkan suatu kesepakatan bersama , yakni untuk turun serta dalam menentukan kepemimpinan DKI Jakarta pada saat Pilkada ditahun sekarang ini , termasuk didalamnya isyarat yang pernah kami terima dari alam gaib yang berbunyi “ jika kamu menyukseskan kandidat pimpinan daerah sebaiknya bacalah kalimat mantra di bawah ini “ SUKMA MULYO ADI LUWIH SIFAT LANGGENG SAJATINE URIP ANGUCAP SARINE TEKO GAMPANG , TEKO GAMPANG SAKCIPTANE NANANG HARIADI UTAWI GUS HAR , TEKO GAMPANG SAK SAPOLAHE GUS HAR , MAMAH MUMUH KASEMBADAN DENE ROKHANI KABEH MAKA PADA SUJUD PADA MADEP MARING ROHKHE NANANG HARIADI UTAWA GUHAR , KABEH , HE GAMPANG, HE GAMPANG HE.. GAMPANG DADI GUBERNUR DKI JAKARTA “ itulah bunyi isyarat dalam alam kegaiban yang kami terima pada tanggal 8 bulan tahun 2008 jam 8 di tempat keramat Habib Husin Al Hadad atau Makam Mbah Priok .

    Kembali pada kesepatan dari DPC KOBUKI Jaktim yaitu turut serta mendukung dan menyukseskan Joko Widodo dan Basuki Tjahaja untuk jadi Gubernur DKI jakarta periode tahun 2012 -2017 mendatang .Oleh karena Segera kami atas nama DPC KOBUKI JAKTIM
    Dengan membaca Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
    Turut mendukung dan menyukseskan Pasangan jokowi dan ahok

    Jakarta 15 Juni 2012
    Jainal Askar

  3. JAKARTA 14 JUNI 2012
    Seiring dengan perjalan waktu yang hampir selesai Jabatan Politik gubernur DKI jakarta , sejalan itu pula Pilkada DKI Jakarta akan segera laksanakan, Sekilas cerita yang pernah AKU ALAMI dengan keberadaan seorang Pimpinan MPR RI yaitu pada saat Pak Amien Rois . Kongkrit ceritanya begini , ketika kami di ajak oleh Ketua Umum DPP KOBUKI yaitu Gus har pada acara pembukaan Seni Lukis Indonesia di Hotel Atlatik dekat senayan , berawal dari kita berangkat berenam yakni Andi Suyitno, nano Trivano, hendy Wahyu Prastyo, dan Amirudin halim akau sendiri teddy Yuanto dan Gus har., pada saat itu sampai tempat acaran peresmian Seni Lukis Indonesia berlangsung , dan pertemuan dengan Mas amien Rois memenag tidak banyak waktu kurang lebih 1 jam dan Gus Har di sampin Pak amien mengambil tempat duduk , saya di belakangnya Gus Har, hampir 15 menit paka amien dan Gus Har berdialog di depan saya dalam dialaognya yang saya dengan begini “ Pak Gus Har menurut anda bagaimana kalau saya dicalaonkan akan jadi Presiden RI dalam pilpres yang langsung dipilih rakyat nanti ...? kata pak amien Rois . “ Baik Pak Amien “ Namun lebih seruh lagi kalau seorang Pimpinan nasional itu diusung oleh Rakyat langsung tampa embel-embal satu partaipun , atau dengan kata lain Independe “ Jawab “Gus har” Lho kalau itu bisa Mengapa itu tidak anda sosialisasikan sambung pak Amien Rois , Singkat cerita Gus Har menyodorkan Surat Pada saya , tak lama kemudia acarapun selesai , oh Gus har Lupa menyampaikan surat yang akan di sampaikan pada Pak Amien Rois , selanjutnya saya di disurut untuk ngejar paka amien dan menyampaikan surat dari Gus Har tersebut , sampaikan di Tangan Pak Amien , sambil berkata pak amien pada saya salam buat Gus Har Silakan Usung Pimpinan dari Indenpenden. Berngakat dari cerita dialog antara pak amien dan Gus har tersebut diatas , kami mempunyai kesimpulan bahwa sudah waktunya pimpinan Gubernur DKI Jakarta
    Itu dari kalangan independen bukan dari Partai, , oleh sebab itu dalam kajian saya yang layak untuk kita jadikan Gubernur adalah Faisal basri dan ben Benyamin , disamping Faisal Basri adalah toko indsependensi yang tulus , termasuk beliau juga seorang jauh kedepan pemikirannya dalam menata dan membangun Jakarta , termasuk Ben benyamin seporang putra seorang legendaris Artis dari Betawi . Dari sinilah kita bisa mrncermati dan mengkaji bahwa ‘sosok kedua Tokoh tersebut layak untuk dijadikan pemimpin DKI jakarta. Oleh kami atas nama wakil Sekjend DPP Kobuki dengan selalu berkoordinasi dengan segenap jajaran pengurus DPP KOBUKI akan mengeluarkan Resolusi Jihad untuk kemenangan Faisal Basri dan Ben Benyamin. MENGAJAK KEPADA SEGENAP WARGA MASYARAKAT IBUKOTA DAN SEGENAP JAJARAN PENGURUS KOBUKI DI WILAYAH JAKARTA DAN SIKITARNYA UNTUK MENDUKUNG MENCALONKAN DAN MEMILIH SERTA MEMENANGKAN FAISAL BASRI DAN BENBENYAMIN JADI GUBERNUR DKI JAKARTA MASA BAKTI 2012 S/D 2017 MENDATANG PADA PELAKSANAAN PILKADA TANGGAL 11 JULI 2012 MENDATANG.

    Demikian komentar dan resolusi hijad kami sampaikan untuk di sampaikan kepada segenap masyarkat yang berada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya akhir kata teriring Doa

    Billahi tafik Wal Hidayah
    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

    Jakarta 14 juni 2012

